Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Great Writing

Before you start writing a cause and effect essay, you should choose one of many cause and effect essay topics. We have prepared the top ideas for you to choose from. We have gathered them in groups so it will be much easier for you to find the field of your interest. You are also recommended to look through our guide on how to write a cause and effect essay.

You can take one of these cause and effect topics and develop it in your paper. You can also find a topic and rewrite it in order to fit it to your assignment. Check out the following topics in order to overcome your writer’s block successfully.

cause and effect essay topics about family

Family and Relationships Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • What causes a person to cheat on his or her beloved?

    Every person encounters the concept of “lie” every day, because this is an inalienable phenomenon of communication. Often lies are much more appropriate, and seemingly it is difficult to imagine this world without the act of make-believe and fiction. On the other hand, we have harmful acts, such as cheating on a loved one. Men who have been accused of cheating usually claim that their wives are self-contained, not affectionate, and also neglect their appearance.
  • What are the effects of living together before the marriage?

    Deciding and agreeing to create a partnership together, you can spend from several months to several years, depending on your age and the age of the partner, as well as on the circumstances in which your relationship develops. Observations show that it is useful for couples to live together before making a decision to marry. You discover for yourself such aspects of the partner’s personality that you can get only if you live together.
  • What are long-term effects of a child growing up with one parent?

    The life of a person begins from the family, as here comes the formation of him or her as a citizen. An incomplete family is an occasion with which to reflect on what society should do to make the family climate with less tension, quarrels, conflicts, and missing positive emotions. Due to the absence of one of the parents, the remaining one must take on the decision of all the material and domestic problems of the family.
  • What is the effect of taking vacations on family relationships?

    We often hear: we need to work on relationships, we need to learn an emotional response. One honeymoon is not enough for a long marital life. In addition, if you have difficulties in the relationship, it does not matter for what reason – on the weekend, get out of the house and away from worries, from work, from children.
  • What are the causes of destructive relationships between brothers and sisters?

    In most cases, jealousy and rivalry between brothers and sisters is caused by the desire to achieve praise and approval, and evidence of parental love. Especially first-born children suffer from jealousy, as they lived more or less for a long time, taking advantage of the undivided attention of their mother and father. Often a jealous child is not confident, is afraid that he or she is not loved at all or is less appreciated than the other.

cause and effect essay topics on environment

Environment Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • What is the most dangerous factor which influences climate change nowadays?

    In recent years, the climate on Earth has changed markedly: some countries suffer from anomalous heat, while others from excessively harsh and snowy winters, which is unusual for these places. Environmentalists talk about global climate change, including an increase in the average annual temperature that causes melting of glaciers, and an increase in the level of the world’s oceans. In addition to warming, there is also an unbalance of all natural systems, which leads to a change in natural precipitation, to temperature anomalies, and an increase in the frequency of extreme events such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts.
  • Did human curiosity have a positive or negative effect on the planet?

    It is impossible to reverse technological progress. But after all our hopes for the prosperity associated with it and a happy future, we suddenly have a doubt about whether this development has benefited us. We see many negative consequences, although we try not to notice them or accept them as inevitability.
  • What are the causes of ecological catastrophes?

    The first reason is due to the fact that the onset of glaciers and the eruption of volcanoes and floods are, so to say, normal natural phenomena. Despite their destructiveness, they are not the result of the activity of the main “destroyer,” that is, the person. For today, we can not, for example, predict when the next volcanic eruption will occur.
  • What are the effects of global warming on the planet?

    Global warming begins with the melting of glaciers. This causes the level of the seas to rise, thereby removing ecosystems from the balance and raising the earth’s temperature. At first glance, it is not so scary, but all this is accompanied with some consequences that should be considered as deadly.

cause and effect essay topics on social issues

Social Issues Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • What influence does frequent violence have on society (such as war or street violence)?

    Violence in a broad sense is the use of force on another which causes some kind of harm. Any kind of violence entails negative consequences which are difficult to prevent. Being subjected to frequent violence, a person begins to fear, and becomes closed and callous.
  • What is the influence of social media on real communication?

    The Internet has firmly entered our lives, and now we can no longer imagine our existence without visiting our pages in social networks at least several times a week. On the one hand, it’s good – we can talk with a cousin who lives 1000 km away, or with ex-colleagues with whom we all can not find the time to meet in real life – and we do all this without leaving home. However, the influence of social networks on people is becoming a bigger focus for scientists from all over the world – and the results of the research are rather disappointing.
  • What are the causes of poverty in big cities?

    In modern society, there is a clear deterioration in attitudes toward the poor, as stigmatization processes are taking place, and poverty is often associated with drunkenness, as well as with other antisocial forms of behavior. At the same time, the majority of people believe that circumstances that are not dependent on people – illness, death of a breadwinner, and others – can lead to poverty, which, in conditions of inadequate state support, often play a fatal role. The result of this vision of the causes of poverty is the individualization of attitudes toward the poor, the disappearance of a clearly defined attitude toward them as a single social group, and the “fragmentation” of the problem of poverty in their minds into individual cases of poverty.
  • How can the lack of freedom influence society?

    The concept of freedom is an age-old point of discussion, and relevant at all times. Freedom is expressed in the economic aspect, in the freedom of action. A free person does what he or she likes and wants, and when a person is deprived of this freedom, this can lead to many psychological consequences.
  • Why has depression become one of the most widely-spread disorders?

    This complex mental disorder affects millions of people around the world. Mental illnesses can be inherited and depression is not an exception. According to scientific research, in the human body, there are about 15 genes which are predisposed to the development of depression.

cause and effect essay topics on technology

Technology Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • What is the influence of modern technological progress on children?

    For several decades, technology has made a tremendous leap in its development! The fact that the child stays for a long time at the computer and that it is bad for his or her health is known to everyone. However, not all parents know how the computer affects the child and how much time can be spent while sitting at the monitor.
  • What influence does the Internet have on the youth?

    Nearly 20 years ago the Internet was a wonder for many, and today it is as necessary for the civilized person as air. It makes the life of people easier in dozens of ways, helps them, and entertains them. But, if an adult is able to distinguish bad from good, how does the Internet affect adolescents?
  • What are the effects of including modern technologies in class work?

    In the conditions of a dynamically changing world and the complication of technology and continuous improvement, informatization of the sphere of education assumes great importance. The current stage of the development of society sets before the education system a number of fundamentally new problems, among which the need to improve the quality of education and its accessibility, the creation of optimal educational systems, and the strengthening of communication between different levels of education should be highlighted. One of the effective ways to solve these problems is the use of computer technology.
  • How does the development of technologies affect the state of nature?

    Scientific and technological progress is the process of the formation of science, under which there is a mutual enrichment of science and production, and the latter becomes a mass consumer of scientific knowledge. Since the middle of the 20th century, the social life of the planet has attracted a variety of technical developments that have made life more comfortable, and increasingly consuming natural resources with the help of advanced science-intensive achievements, humanity has improved the conditions for the development of its civilization and its kind as a biological species. But we can not dispute the fact that the interference of mankind in all spheres of nature causes a sharp deterioration in the state of ecological systems, sometimes even the death of unique natural complexes, the reduction and disappearance of populations of certain plant and animal species, and the danger of irreversible changes in the structures of geographic spheres that can lead to unpredictable negative consequences.
  • What are the causes of technological achievements in Japan?

    After the Second World War, government cooperation with industrialists, labor ethics, the use of high technology, and relatively low defense spending (1% of GDP) helped Japan become an industrialized country. The two main driving factors for Japan’s postwar economy were the close ties between producers, suppliers, and distributors, known as keiretsu, and a guarantee of lifelong employment for a large part of the urban population. Both of these driving factors are currently losing their effectiveness under the influence of high competition from the global markets and internal demographic change.

cause and effect essay topics on education

Education Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • What makes a person a perfect student?

    In order to become an apt student, first of all, it is necessary to realize that we do not know something. Such awareness leads to humility, simplicity, and inquisitiveness. If you really want to understand the material, spend enough time on homework and try to get the highest grade.
  • What are the causes and effects of cheating during exams?

    Many of us have used what are called “crib notes” during exams at least once in our lives. Sometimes there is no other way out, especially if the grade for the exam can affect the final grade. It happens that students use crib notes only because they are experiencing a strong anxiety, and not because they do not know the material.
  • What are the effects of students’ participation in extracurricular activities?

    Extra-curricular activities are a set of measures and activities conducted by the teacher (or another responsible person) for direct educational impact on students. Extra-curricular activities contribute to successful learning, and help to comprehensively develop the personality of the student. They increase the student’s interest in a particular subject or profession.

According to statistics, a lot of students have difficulties when deciding what topic to choose to write their essays. We hope that our cause and effect essay topics list helped you to solve this problem. You can continue to explore our blog and find more topics for different types of essays, as well as cause and effect essay examples. For example, you can find persuasive essay topics if you are assigned to write this type of paper. Our goal is to help you with the writing process and overcome your writing problems.